zaterdag 24 oktober 2015

SMAK Saturday!!

Hello Unity Peeps,

Jolande here, from a cold and autumnly Netherland. 
How beautiful are the colors of the trees already, 
 I can look at it breathlessly.
But of course you're not here to read about 
Autumn in the Netherlands.
You are here for samples with the October SMAK.
Here they are,

I made a couple of journal pages 

to show you what you can do with this kit.

The tag is a joke for Jake, 

we designed this kit together.
 Look at the round tag and see that this is our 4th kit, made by Jo-Ja.
Just imagine that your hobby is stamping and that you get
 the chance to design your own stamps.

That's a happy feeling, I can tell you that.
After we finished this, I must have had a smile on my face 
and sparkling eyes for 3 days.
And guess what? ... the next SMAK is also from our hands...
 a few days to go and then you can see it.

I made my MAGIC!!!

You can find all the information about the SMAK here!!

Have a great weekend

woensdag 21 oktober 2015

Blog Hop Time!!!

Hello Unity Peeps,

It´s bloghop time again.
Just back from my trip to the USA.
It was so great to be there.
Made a lot of new stamps and the first one you saw already.
The SMAK kit from this month are all stamps that Jake and I designed,
 but I have to show you this first... 
My new workshop, an agenda for 2016.

November 14 Jojo's scrapshop 

November 28  de Scrapheap

And here is the SMAK KIT, 

Design by!!
did you see the samples?? 
if not here they are!

Don't forget that you can win 3 prizes....

Now hop further to the next in row

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Have a great week 
(and coming Saturday some more samples with the SMAK!!!)

vrijdag 2 oktober 2015

October Challenge Craftstamper

Hello all,

This is what I made with the ATB's!!
It was fun to make this :)

Click here to see more sample's!!

Have a great day
