dinsdag 31 mei 2016

More than Words mini challenge

Hello all,

Here is my tag for the More than Words mini Challenge!!

You can find more information on there blog!!
Look also on their FB page!!

Thanks for looking at my blog!!
Have a great day

vrijdag 27 mei 2016

Unity Blog Hop Time!!!

Hai Unity peeps,

It's bloghop time so.....take a look!!
I've designed a new workshop for the Craftorij
 (a dutch stamp/craft store).

It's a tag book with 15 techniques and all the stamps from
 Marleen van Meerendonk and myself are used in it!!
And this is a card with a stamp from the newest stampsets

Have a look here for all the new stamps !!
And this card is just for fun!!

Don't forget to leave a comment on each blog;
 you might be the lucky one to win this time!!

Now hop further to the next in row

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Have a great day 

vrijdag 13 mei 2016

Craft Stamper TIMI Challenge

Goodmorning all!!

 TIMI Challenge May 2016
Take a Stamp: Anything goes,
    as long as you have used
 stamping somewhere on your creation!
This is the second tag I made

All the information you can find here!!

The price that you can win!!

 3 stamp sets and 3 new release stencils.

Have a great day!!! Jolande

zaterdag 7 mei 2016

Scrap Africa Challenge no 74


Here is my lay out for Scrap Africa Challenge no 74

You can find all the information about this challenge HERE!!

This is the sketch !!

Have a great weekend


vrijdag 6 mei 2016

Craft Stamper MAY challenge!

Goodmorning all!!

TIMI Challenge May 2016
Take A Stamp : Anything goes,
 as long as you have used stamping somewhere on your creation!
This is what I made !!

This is what I made !!
All the information you can find here!!

The price that you can win!!

 3 stamp sets and 3 new release stencils.

Have a great day!!! Jolande

donderdag 5 mei 2016

More Than Words, a clock challenge


Okay a second attempt
 to make something for More Than Words.
The first was not accepted because
 it was not a lay out ..... and correct,
 I did not read the rules.

But here's the new layout,

made with love and fun.

The stamps are all Unity

This was the challenge !!
You can find all the information here!!

Have a great day Jolande

maandag 2 mei 2016

More Than Words - a clock challenge


I saw the challenge from "More Than Words" 
- a clock challenge.
I had a clock and thought: WHY not??
I completely dissembled it and made this of it!!

This was the challenge

And this was the clock before I made it a scrap clock :)

Have a great day