donderdag 30 juli 2015

Blog Hop day!!!

Hello Unity lovers,

It's bloghop day 

I made a new layout for Sketchabilities and......
the photos I used are from ... Nic and Whitney.

So happy for them!!! Can't wait to see them in September.

 The sketch I used is this one.

Look for more information here.

There is also a sale at the Unity Shop :)

And I want to let you know that Ann Butler has sent us some information: 

We are happy to share that we now have over 30 sponsors giving away some incredible SWAG and Door Prizes for the event....the SWAG bags will be filled with products valued at nearly $200 for each attendee, so far and the sponsors are still that value will increase and to say the least we are thrilled... That's great!!!

And you all know that Angela and I are going to give two workshops. 
But there is more, much more !!
Look here and see what you all can do there. 

And Angela and I hope you will be attending the Unity workshop of course :) 

Don't forget to leave a comment on each blog
 and maybe you're the lucky one to win this prize!!

Now hop further to the next in row,
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Have a great day and see you on Saturday!!

donderdag 16 juli 2015

Blog Hop Day!!!

Hello Unity peepers,

It's a new Thursday so BLOG HOP day!!
What do I have for you ??
A new Sketchabilities layout with 
the beautiful stamps designed by Donna Downey!

Made it with this sketch!!

I am so happy with these big stamps,

 good to use on a layout!

And what more do I have? .....I am (coming) going to
 America to give two workshops!!!

Yeah!! When I saw it, I smiled and 
that smile was on my face for at least 3 days.

Made my own journalbook!

So if you want to attend one of my workshops ?!
 This is your chance!

And did you see this great offer!!! 
OMG wish I lived in America,
 I think I spend my whole salary on stamps!!!

Don't forget to leave a comment on each blog for this adorable prize!!

And now hop further to the next in row... 
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Have a great weekend and maybe I'll see you in September:
 that would be great!

vrijdag 10 juli 2015

Craft Stamper challenge!!!

The second round for the

July Challenge:
'Take A Stamp' 
Anything Goes!
(but remember you MUST use a stamp somewhere on your project!)

And this is my second tag!!

Share your project!!

As long as you've stamped somewhere then you're good to go!

 The sponsor for July is
 FOUR plates to win!!

Look for all the information

So the theme is ....

July Challenge:
'Take A Stamp' 
Anything Goes!
(but remember you MUST use a stamp somewhere on your project!) 
Show us how unique you can be...get your stamps out and share your cards, journal pages, layouts, 3D assemblage or whatever else takes your fancy. Your project can be any theme, any colour you want... as long as you've stamped somewhere then you're good to go!

We have two prizes on offer this month, the first is our sponsor prize.This winner will be chosen randomly from all of the entries in the challenge! The sponsor for July is

Art Journey

For all the information look at

Have a great weekend!!!


vrijdag 3 juli 2015

New Month new challenge!!


A new month so a new challenge!!!

Take a stamp!!! How easy could it be :)

I am in love with the new mask from Donna Downey
And this is what I made with that.
The stamps are all from a KOTM from Unity 

Click here for all the information about the challenge
And you can also see what we all make for this challenge!!

The sponsor for this month is 
Sponsor: Art Journey
Prize: 4 Stamp Plates

Have a great day!! and lots of stamping pleasure!!


donderdag 2 juli 2015

Blog Hop day!

Hello Unity peepers,

It's bloghop day and I have a new layout for you.

Made it with this sketchabilities sketch
It's completely made with stamps, masks, ink, 
paint and mediums.

The basic was plain white paper.
I like the way it grows under my fingers, step by step.

I used my own stamps of course:)
And what do you think of this one from a SMAK kit??
And this saying is from the Donna Downey stamp set.

And see what happens in the Unity store!!!!

Don't forget to leave a comment on each blog

and now hop further to the next in row.

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Have a great weekend