donderdag 31 juli 2014

Sketchabilities #120


Time again to place sketch #120

Take your change to make a lay out and place it on the sketchabilities blog :)

Have a great day!!!


donderdag 24 juli 2014

Blog Hop day

Hello Blog Hoppers,

It's been a sad week in the Netherlands and in many families in the rest of the world.
This tag is specially for all the families who've lost relatives/friends in the accident offlight MH 17.
Their lives will never be the same again...

The stamps I used for this tag are from the July KOTM

I designed a workshop for Scrapdelight in the Netherlands.
It's a mix of mixed media and of course stamping.

After I've given the workshop, I'll show all the tags I've made.
I have a good feeling about the workshop.
Wish I could give it in the USA: that would be fun!
And I have a layout which I've made for Sketchabilities.

If you'd like to join is the link.
and then the last one - a tag I've made for inspiration Wednesday.

The stamps I used are from this kit!!

And the sale for this week!!!!!! It's Angie's birthday (ssssssssttt 50!!! )
Give here a big hug she deserve it. See what a beautiful stamps she design!!

Don't forget to leave a comment on each blog... maybe your the winner of these stamps :)

Now hop over to the next in row!!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Have a good week xx

donderdag 17 juli 2014

Sketchabilities 119


Time flies, this is already sketch 119

Take a change, make this sketch and place it on the sketchabilities site!!!

Special made for Franklin!!

Have a great day Jolande

donderdag 10 juli 2014

Blog Hop Time!!

Hello Unity fans,

It's bloghop day!! 
For today I have two beautiful layouts

 (especially the one with the photo's from Angela and her sons).
It's always fun to make a layout for her. 

On both layouts I used stamps from KOTM and SMAK.
I know that I use my stamps different than most other crafters do. 
That's because I want you to see what you can do with all these stamps, 
it's not only for cards. 
Don't take me wrong now - I also like to make cards, but I mostly make tags!!! 
There are so many possibilities with stamps.
And last a tag with a new stamp from Donna Downey...ooooohh

 I SO like her stamps (and you know what?  
I've used them completely different than Donna has :)
 And made in a split second ( new stamps :)

Don't forget to take a look at the Unity Shop, 
there are so much new stamps available. 
And look what Angela is offering you!!!

Oké, time to hop over to the next in row...
but first leave a comment;  
who knows you're the winner of this beautiful prize.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Have a great day!!

dinsdag 1 juli 2014

Sketchabilities #118


Here is my lay out for sketchabilities #118

All the stamps I used are from
This is the sketch

Make a lay out with this sketch and place him
You find more lay outs from the designteam at the blog,
So go for inspiration.

Have a great day!!
