donderdag 5 maart 2015

Operation Write Home Blog Hop Day!!!

Hello Unity Peepers!!

Blog hop day and what kind of blog hop day?? 
A very special one "Operation write home"!!
you can find more information about it right here!!

And, yes I know I am not an American, 
but I am a Major in the Dutch Army.
And yes also a veteran, 
I know so well how it was in Afghanistan, 
Bosnia and Angola.
Now I am almost to retire, within 2 year's time.
 I served 40 years then.
It's enough, I saw enough and did enough....
So please read about the operation-write-home
 join in and make some cards for the 
 "Operation write home" project!
Don't forget to leave a comment on each blog and
maybe your the winner of this great prize package!!

Go to the Unity shop for the newest stamps!!

Now hop further to the next in row, 

Have a great day!

41 opmerkingen:

  1. Wow - thank you for 40 years of service to YOUR country!! I appreciate everyone who gives of themselves for're awesome!

  2. Your tag is awesome. And so are you for serving 40 years. That is a special achievement for any country.

  3. Thank you so much for serving! I am retired from the US military where I served 34 years. One of my military friends served as a US representative with the Dutch during Desert Storm. She has fond memories of your country! Your tag is gorgeous! Have a great day!

  4. Such a nice tag. Nice design. Love the little fine line border. TFS

  5. Thank you for serving your country for 40 years. You are a true giver. Your tag is awesome.

  6. Like the tag. Thanks for the 40 years of service to your country, and for supporting OWH!!!

  7. thank you for your service...anyone who serves their country is a hero to me. I really like the tag!!!

  8. Wow! I never met a Major in the Dutch Army. Congratulations and thanks for thinking of our American soldiers!

    Carmen L

  9. Love your tag! And thank you for serving your country so well!

  10. Jolande Thank you for serving your country and thank you for respecting American service people by your participation in the OWH blog hop.

  11. Thanks for the 40 years of service to your country, and for supporting OWH!!! Your tag is lovely.

  12. Thank you for your service to your country. You are obviously a dedicated citizen and hero. Your tag is so beautiful. I love the added pen detail border. Thank you for sharing!

  13. Lovely tag,it sure express your feelings.Thanks.

  14. 💙 this tag! Congrats on your service to your country❤️

  15. I am so bad at creating tags... this is beautiful! What an amazing story... 40 years is a long time to serve. Bless you for your sacrifices on behalf of your country.

  16. Wow, 40 years of service to your country. Congrats on reaching this milestone and appreciation for your dedication. Love that tag! And, thanks so much for Unity's support of OWH. :)

  17. Beautiful tag. Commending you on your service to your country.

  18. Congrats Jolande, to YOU on your years of service. I have great respect for anyone who serves their country for it is through them that the rest of us can live free.
    Your tag is wonderful.

  19. That's awesome that you're serving your country! And your tag is gorgeous!

  20. Great Tag!

    Im not American either but I love the idea and meaning behing OWH!We have something similar here too!

    Thanks for sharing, I love the rustic/aged feel behind your creation!

  21. Thank you for your service! Your tag is lovely, I really like how you outlined the heart.

  22. I love the ribbon that you chose to accent the tag! Thank you for your service to your country as well as the US. :)

  23. I love the antique look of your tag. Very nice!

  24. Beautiful tag. I like the drawing around the stamped image.

  25. Wow! Thank you for serving your country in the military for almost 40 years! And thank you for supporting OWH! Your tag is stunning!!

  26. Your such a special woman...thank you for always inspiring me.

  27. My American Aunt met my Dutch Uncle (whose parents had moved to Canada when he was a youth). He was in the Canadian Army and she was in the American army... they met in Germany. Thank you for your service to your country.

  28. Wow - thank you for 40 years of service!! also thanks for sharing. I do cards for OWH and well be using ideas for this hop.

  29. Wow.. your tag is awesome and so are you. 40 years of service, Congrats.

    thanks for sharing.


  30. Wow, 40 years serving your country and our world! And, the greatest tag-maker ever!
