donderdag 26 februari 2015

Blog Hop time!

Hello Unity peepers,

It's bloghop day and the first thing that I want to announce is the 60% discount on so many Unity stamps. In all the years I've been in the design team this is the biggest discount ever!!!! 
So be wise and.... !!!!!

I made a new layout for Sketchabilities with lots of Unity stamps...and to be honest, this is my favorite layout of all the ones I've ever made for them.

And YES YES YES, look here: 3 pages in the Dutch scrap/stamp magazine!!! Proud of myself, it's always nice to be published in a magazine and it's still very special to me (that's for sure).

I also made a tag for you

Hope you have enough inspiration for the coming week!!
Don't forget to comment on each blog: maybe you're the winner of these stamps!

Now hop further to the next in row, have a great day!! 

42 opmerkingen:

  1. die tag die je voor me gemaakt heb, vindt ik geweldig, wat ook een mooie stempel!

  2. LOVE the layout and the tag! Fab colors and just adore the feathers on your layout! ♥

  3. I'm stunning with the beuatiful of your layout and card!

  4. Those projects are very nice my friend!

  5. Congratulations on the magazine spread! That's a beautiful layout. I love the tag you created also. That's just a perfect sentiment!

  6. Your work is amazing! Both are just gorgeous. So it's no surprise to me that it's in a magazine.I was wondering if the background of your layout is supposed to look like a butterfly?

  7. Such a beautiful layout...and I love that pretty tag!

  8. i loooooooooove your LO. the colors are beautiful and it's all incredible!! the tag is gorgeous, too! :)

  9. Gorgeous art and projects. Congrats on another publication. You so deserve it with you awesome talent.

  10. Congratulations on the publication. Your work is amazing and this layout is just stunning. Thanks for all your inspiration. The tag is beautiful.

  11. Fantastic tag. Congrats on your magazine appearances. Hugz

  12. Congrats on making the mag! Absolutely gorgeous scrapbook page and fab tag!!

  13. Such a pretty layout and tag.
    isoscia at aol dot com

  14. Love your layout,it's so gorgeous and special. Your tag is very creative.Good for you,your creativity got published.

  15. Your layout is very pretty but I am just in love with your gorgeous tag! Those colors in the background are beautiful and the ripped book page pieces look so great on there!

  16. WOW!!! all I can say.....I'm in awe of your page

  17. LOVE the colors and all the special elements in your LO and tag. Just gorgeous. Congrats on the big publication spread!! Wow!!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  18. Congrats on being published ~ what a proud moment I bet!!!

  19. Stunning! Love the layout and what a gorgeous tag! Congratulations on being published!

  20. Wonderful layout and tag! Simply gorgeous! Thank you for the inspiration!

  21. Stunning layout and card! Congratulations on being published!

  22. Congratulations on your publication. Your work is so amazing and yes, it's wonderful to be recognized for that. You have a wonderful style and eye for textures and colors. Very much to be proud of! I love this beautiful page. Have a happy weekend! Donna K

  23. Congratulations on being published! I always look forward to visiting your blog. I love this scrapbook page too; from the colors to the texture. Great job!

  24. Congrats on being published. Beautiful projects. I really love your layout, so awesome.

  25. Gorgeous layout and tag and congrats on being published.

  26. Great work - loving this hop.

    Thanks for sharing.

  27. Congrats on getting published!! You deserve it; love your layouts!!


  28. Your style, combining the stamps with the scrapping, is so lovely. That tag is truly gorgeous!

  29. These are beautiful Thanks for sharing.
    Crafty hugs,
    DesignsByDragonfly {blogspot}

  30. Beautiful tag with just the perfect ribbon to compliment it! Thanks for helping to support our military and thank you for your service too!

  31. These very super for you magazine. Felicitation.
    Your layout of Sketchabilitiies's beautiful.
