zondag 31 augustus 2014

Sketchabilities #122

Goodmorning stamping and scrap lovers!!

Time for sketchabilities #122
This time I made a lay out for a dear friend her birthday!!
I love this sketch he is so good to work with.
Leave that to Karan she can make
 the best sketches of the world ( for me :) ).

Take a change and make a lay out for sketchabilities !!
We have an awesome sponsor with us for the month of August, and they are back for this reveal.

Heartfelt Creations is offering up three $30.00 gift certificates to three random scrappers and all you need to do is follow the Rafflecopter link below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

click on edit and it will work out :)
Have a great day Jolande !!!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. You made a really beautiful layout! :)) Great work!

  2. love the colours and stamping and the creative embellishments chipboard adds some great details
