dinsdag 26 augustus 2014

OMG I am nominated!!!

OMG Karan Gerber, nominated me for the creative bloghop.....I am honored.
So now I have to find 4 others to nominate...I am going to do my best.

But first of all I have to answer a couple of questions..

1. What am I working on?

At this moment I am working on the last sketch from Sketchabilities. I am in the Sketchabitlities designteam, for the third time now. I like to work with the sketches and to be honest, Karan designs the most beautiful sketches. During the whole period of me being on the DT, only one sketch was not my cup of tea. The rest of them were BEAUTIES.

One of my favorites !!

2. How does my work differ from others of this genre?

I am a real vintage girl without the strokes of lace and ribbons. I don't like cute stamps, but I can work with it for the DT. But most of all I like to play with stamps and combine that in a layout. I don't see that much so I think that makes my work different. I don't use the stamps for the background,
 but just because of the stamp itself. I like to make mixed media projects and 
go out of my comfort zone to develop/discover new styles.

3. Why do I create what I do?

My first start with scrapbooking was just after I came back from Afghanistan (I am a military). I had beautiful photo's and wanted to do something with them, and that's what I did. After that I got completely addicted to this hobby. Now it's a way to leave my work behind me, and I hope it will be a way of life after my retirement within a couple of years. I am a lucky girl with my design teams. Unity stamp company is more a family for me and I am in love with these stamps. From April  on I became part of the Magenta Designteam, so what else do I need? Two stamp companies who love my work and Sketchabilities to show my layouts! In the Netherlands I also give workshops and that's also a part of the hobby that I like. I like to give and to design workshops. For me it's a way of life and I am happy to have it.

My first lay out....2005 :)

4. How does your creative process work??

I sit down in my craft room, look for some paper and just start.....and after a while it just creates itself in my hands. I think I am blessed with a creative mind, I see it in my head and the only thing I have to do is put it to paper. I like to work with deadlines, but not to be curtailed in my creative process. Pinterest is a good thing for me, it gives me ideas and when I start working on a project, it all flows together.

With this lay out I became a member of the Unity Design team!! 

Now for my nominations:

I like to nominate Ellie Knol, she's a gifted stamper with beautiful work. We met each other a couple of years ago, and ended up together in the designteam for Katzelkraft. Now we are both in the design team of Magenta. Her style is so unique that I always recognize her work straight away. Besides that, she's also good in translating Dutch text to English ....my blognews always gets corrected by Ellie. 
Have a look at her blog!!

I also want to nominate Marleen van Meerendonk. I think she is the best mixed media artist in the Netherlands. She is part of the Art Antoligie Design team. I love her work, it's always colorful and so unique. I often wish I could make the things she does....but my style is completely different. Go have a look at her blog!!  

And I can't forget Manita Philipsen, a girl, so young but so talented. She developed a new dutch magazine 'Paper Memories' and I think this magazine will go internationally within a few years. I hope it for her, and maybe this nomination will help her a bit. Her style is Vintage but I know she can do everything. Look at her blog!!

The last one is Nicole Jannink, for me she is the best project-life scrapper from the Netherlands, and maybe from the world. Her style is also unique and her strength lies in the fact that she will not be distracted by other people's styles. Look at her blog!!

Karan thanks for your nomination. It's great to be in your design team and I hope it's going to be for a long time!! See you soon in September !! 

Have a great day Jolande

2 opmerkingen:

  1. congrats - I am voting for you! Enjoy your day!

  2. Just dropping by to say congratulaitons on your Heartfelt Creations semifinalist win! Your work is so artistic! Best wishes for the contest!
