woensdag 10 augustus 2016

Inspiration Wednesday for Unity stamp company

Hello Unity peeps,
Jolande here with some inspiration for this Wednesday.
First of all I hope you have better weather than we have here in the Netherlands; 
it's raining cats and dogs.....all the time... 
But in September I plan visiting Angela;
 hopefully the weather in Minnesota will be better :)

The bad weather has one plus point... more time to make ART ...so,
 I'll show you some creations I've made.
First of all: Tim Holtz gave me some inspiration 
with his course 103 with this result.

You all know that I like to make layouts and tags for the 
'More than Words' challenge.
I joined again with this layout. 

Showing you some details;  
as you can see, I did not use many stamps on this one.

 But for me the stamps make the significant difference between
 a nice layout and a good layout. 

The saying 'best friends' is from a big stamp.
 I show you how you can use one little part from a big stamp, 
simply by using a post-it note. 

The tag is a bonus for you.

Because!! ART is so much FUN!!!
Hope you have enough inspiration now until the next Unity blog post.
Most of the stamps I used are mixed media stamps from

Have a great week

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