vrijdag 1 juli 2016

Unity BLOG HOP time!!!

Hello Unity peeps!!! 

It's the end of the month and the year is already half way!!! 
My goodness, it looks like the time is going faster and faster.....
is that because of my age or...do you also have that??
I want to share some creations with you!!
First of all, I won a prize at the CSI (Color Stories Inspirations) with this layout!!!

It has been made with the beautiful stamps that 
Marleen and I designed for all of you!!
It made my day!!! YEAH!!!!

I made this card for Marleen!!
 She is so special to me;

 so the saying is the most important part of this card.
The last part for this bloghop (my part of the bloghop 😊
is a sneak peek of the last workshop I designed. 

All these stamps are from the April SMAK kit.

Take a look at the new stamps
 ( I did not have the time to make something new...too busy with other things!)
 click for the new stamps HERE!!

So this is it!!!

Don't forget to leave a comment on every blog!!!
 Who knows: you might be the lucky one to win the prize !!
Now hop further to the next in row,

 have a great weekend

23 opmerkingen:

  1. WOW, Jolande, beautiful work and no wonder you won prize for your layout. Just beautiful!

  2. That layout is just stunning! And the card is so beautiful. I have a few friends who I consider sisters who would love that card. Wish I could take your workshop. Those cards look amazing!

  3. Fantastic layout...I love that set! I have made so many things with it already and only have owned for a short time.

  4. Fantastic layout...I love that set! I have made so many things with it already and only have owned for a short time.

  5. Love your sister card! Your artwork is amazing!

  6. Such eye catching creations, no wonder, your LO is a winner one! Absolutely stunning!

  7. Hi Jolande. You art is stunning and is such an inspiration to me to go outside the box.

  8. You are such an inspiration! I love your use of color. These are stunning!

  9. You are such an inspiration! I love your use of color. These are stunning!

  10. Love your style! Your new kits are on my wish list for when I'm able to purchase ... :-)

  11. I love how you use the stamps with mixed media. Great projects!

  12. Jolande you layout is beautiful! I love it! Thank you for sharing!

  13. Amazing projects. It is a pleasure seeing your work.

  14. What a fabulous mixed media project! Love the layers and the colours.
    Must be amazing to be designing stamps to sell. Congratulations on your award!

  15. Hi Jolande! It's my first time visiting your blog! Great work and thank you for sharing! I love your 2nd time challenge tag spiritual growth.\!

  16. Jolande, fabulous cards and layout! I love the stamps you created with Marleen.

  17. As always, I love your work! And those cute glasses on that layout have a steampunk kind of feel. I like it!

  18. I love the Sister card! The colors are stunning! Great job! Congrats on the win!

  19. Congrats on your win, it's a wonderful page!! Love the beautiful card, and I still wish I could take one of your classes!! ;)

  20. Lovely work! I adore the brown and blue in your fabulous LO!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com
