vrijdag 29 juli 2016

Blog hop time!

Hello Unity peepers,

It's bloghop time and since a few weeks I have a planner.
That's really something new to me. 
And nothing is complete without a few stamps.
Last weekend I gave two workshops 
(with my own stamps of course) 
and I used a photo for my planner.
During the workshops I made some samples. 
Here is the planner for last week!

At the beginning of this year I also designed a workshop; 
most of the people liked the workshop so much that they asked for another one;
 over and over again ..
Workshop 1

workshop 2
workshop 3
I glued them together and this is the result of three workshops.
It's great to have these positive reactions.

Go to the UNITY shop for a big sale!!!

OK, hop further to the next in row, 
don't forget to leave a comment on each blog. 

Have a great weekend !!

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