donderdag 5 mei 2016

More Than Words, a clock challenge


Okay a second attempt
 to make something for More Than Words.
The first was not accepted because
 it was not a lay out ..... and correct,
 I did not read the rules.

But here's the new layout,

made with love and fun.

The stamps are all Unity

This was the challenge !!
You can find all the information here!!

Have a great day Jolande

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Oh you have done an amazing job on this layout, love the colours, the photo and the design too. THanks so much for playing along with us at More Than Words. :)

  2. FANTASTIC layout Jolande.... GREAT color combo!
    ThankS for joining in over @ More Than Words this month.... x

  3. I love every detail of this page!
    ! sensational work !
    Thanks soooo much for playing along with us at More Than Words!!!

  4. Oh I love that collection of clocks and gears and the stenciling is beautiful! Thanks for playing along at More Than Words.

  5. So happy you were able to join us again with this beautiful layout! Thank you for playing along with us at More Than Words!

  6. What a beautiful layout!I am so glad that you made a second attempt at our Mood Board! I love the colors and background and those cogs are awesome!Well done! All the best from MTW! )
