vrijdag 8 april 2016

New Unity stamps From Marleen van Meerendonk and Jolande van Oosterhout

Hello all,

Jolande here with awesome news: 
today is the day that the new stamp kits from 
Marleen and Me are going to be launched!!!

I am SO excited and I am always afraid I forgot something...
....but here they are. 

Marleen and I made a lot of samples,
 so you can see what you can do with these mixed media stamps.

It's nice to follow us on Facebook! 
You find here a little video with more work!!

There is a big event this coming weekend, 
where our Stamps will be introduced.
this is my nameplate for this weekend!!

Marleen and I will both demonstrate with the stamps 
and we will post messages on Facebook.
Click here for the FB pages!

And of course Angela added the stamps in her shop !! 

I hope you like them and please....let us know if you do!! 

Maybe you also have an idea for a mixed media stamp;

 let us know and your idea might be our next stamp :)

As you can see Marleen and my styles are completely different, and both of us can make beautiful things with the stamps.
Now we would want to see what you can make with these beautiful stamps!!

Be sure - it has been made with a lot of love by us!!
We are proud of it!!

Have a great day;

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