dinsdag 29 maart 2016

DT Tuesday!!!

Hello Unity peeps,

Jolande here with a sneak peak from the new
 Marleen van Meerendonk and Jolande van Oosterhout Stamps!!

The stamps are going to be released on April 9th worldwide
 and at the Art Specially stamp event in the Netherlands, 
because Marleen and I live there.

It's a combination kit made by 
a stamper (me) and a mixed media artist (Marleen).
In this sneakpeak you see 3 of the stamps. 

For the rest you have to wait until the beginning of April.

I also made a tag for all my friends and especially for the Unity DT members. 

 We never saw each other but the friendship is so good between all of us. 

Have a great week!!
 See you Thursday with the bloghop..

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