zaterdag 28 november 2015

SMAK and LOL day!!

Hello Unity Peeps,

Jolande here with some news for SMAK LOVERS!!
Oh my gosh, did you see the new SMAK? 
 I love it (maybe because I designed most
 of these stamps with Jake).
I did not have time to create something with it,
 but I hope to do so as soon as possible.

What I made with the previous two SMAKs 
is this new workshop that I designed for a Dutch craft-store!!
It's not complete, but that's because I am waiting for my new stamps it's a work in progress!!

I also made this layout, with two of my 
most favorite persons of the whole of the USA
 (yes, I have also a few favorites in Europe ).

The SMAK is my most favorite exclusive KIT
 and that's not only because I designed 
most of the stamps of the last three months. 

It's great for layouts and it's also great for other projects!!

And last but not least a tag with stamps
 from the last Layers Of Life.

These are also stamps that I designed especially for you!!

I hope you like it, see you next time

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