woensdag 21 oktober 2015

Blog Hop Time!!!

Hello Unity Peeps,

It´s bloghop time again.
Just back from my trip to the USA.
It was so great to be there.
Made a lot of new stamps and the first one you saw already.
The SMAK kit from this month are all stamps that Jake and I designed,
 but I have to show you this first... 
My new workshop, an agenda for 2016.

November 14 Jojo's scrapshop 

November 28  de Scrapheap

And here is the SMAK KIT, 

Design by!!
did you see the samples?? 
if not here they are!

Don't forget that you can win 3 prizes....

Now hop further to the next in row

Have a great week 
(and coming Saturday some more samples with the SMAK!!!)

37 opmerkingen:

  1. Nice to meet you! Very cool set! Your 2016 project looks fabulous!

  2. Wow...what a beautiful,colorful,outstanding project;it's so gorgeous.The agenda is perfect and amazing!!!

  3. What a great use of this set. I only saw Halloween when I looked at this set...until now!

  4. I love your mini album and the samples! Great job! :)

  5. WOW you are just plain ole talented. You inspire me. Great job.

  6. Awesome stamps and projects. Love the inspiration that I get here on your blog.

  7. Wow, these are all awesome stamp images by the two of you. Jolande, your art agenda looks so pretty. So creative.

  8. You are amazing and inspire me so much!!!

  9. Your coloring of the flower in red is so very pretty. What a great look.

  10. Great mixed media book, Jolande. Thanks for the inspiration!

  11. What a gorgeous agenda for coming 2016! Love that bold rich red flower, an inspiring creation with so many beautiful elements!

  12. Love the mixed media book. The colors are so warm and inviting.

  13. Awesome new SMAK kit, love the tags and journal.

  14. ALLES is weer mooi... wat een prachtagenda!!

  15. Love your project, and I LOVE this kit! would love to see more stamps of any kind in the future! Love them all

  16. Love the inspiration pieces! I'd love to have personalized name stamps with some of the designers images. Now that would be AWESOME!

  17. You did an awesome job in creating those stamps, and the samples are gorgeous!!

    Carmen L
    Texas, USA

  18. Your projects always astound me! Beautiful design and colors, and always unique!

  19. This is wonderful! I need more sentiment stamps!

  20. Sweet! I love her mouth and the way you used it.

  21. What a stunning album!! WOW! Love the colors and your art work!

  22. Your planner is the coolest! And the tags are all great!

  23. As always, amazing work! Love the planner especially!

  24. Hope you had an awesome time in US!! The color is amazing!! Is that stenciling??
    Moxie Craftie

  25. Question: Which stamps would I like for you to design? Paper dolls with lots of clothing and accessories. Old fashioned--like 40s, 50s, 60s. Classic look.

  26. So cool getting to meet the designer artists behind the images and seeing what they do with their own designs. So amazing. LOVE this awesome SMAK kit!! Your work is fabulous!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

    CAT LOVERS HOP coming Oct. 26-30 at HerPeacefulGarden.blogspot.com!!!
