donderdag 24 juli 2014

Blog Hop day

Hello Blog Hoppers,

It's been a sad week in the Netherlands and in many families in the rest of the world.
This tag is specially for all the families who've lost relatives/friends in the accident offlight MH 17.
Their lives will never be the same again...

The stamps I used for this tag are from the July KOTM

I designed a workshop for Scrapdelight in the Netherlands.
It's a mix of mixed media and of course stamping.

After I've given the workshop, I'll show all the tags I've made.
I have a good feeling about the workshop.
Wish I could give it in the USA: that would be fun!
And I have a layout which I've made for Sketchabilities.

If you'd like to join is the link.
and then the last one - a tag I've made for inspiration Wednesday.

The stamps I used are from this kit!!

And the sale for this week!!!!!! It's Angie's birthday (ssssssssttt 50!!! )
Give here a big hug she deserve it. See what a beautiful stamps she design!!

Don't forget to leave a comment on each blog... maybe your the winner of these stamps :)

Now hop over to the next in row!!

Have a good week xx

25 opmerkingen:

  1. **hugs** my heart breaks for those that lost loved ones on that flight.

    love your tag workshop!

  2. Stunning projects. Love your creations.

  3. Our hearts grieve for the Netherlands and all the families touched by this tragic event! Your tag is a beautiful tribute to those lost. All your projects are wonderful - thank you for sharing!

  4. it is indeed a very sad time... and this is the second one... your tag is so beautiful...
    Moxie Craftie

  5. Heartbreaking events for the world lately. Hugs to you and your countrymen and women.
    On another note, Awesome tags!

  6. I love how you created a tag in remembrance of those lives lost in such a horrible tragedy. Good luck with your workshop! Your work is always amazing!

  7. Mooi! Wat een prachtige tag zoiets tragisch.
    Mooie kleuren gebruik je in je workshops. Ik ga even hoppen :)

  8. Love the feather card from the kom!

  9. LOVE your tags!!! Yes ver sad indeed!!! My heart goes out to those family's.

  10. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers. My prayers go out to all of the families, friends and countries who have had their loved ones taken way too soon. This is a heart breaking reminder we all need to hold our loved ones close.
    Thanks for sharing all your beautiful artwork.
    Crafty hugs,

  11. Thoughts and prayers to all are. It is sad loosing someone unexpended.
    Love your tags and the looks. Fun colors, images and very inspirational.

  12. Beautiful art. Especially the lo in gold. So much pretty detail.

  13. Such a horrible tragedy :( Sending thoughts and prayers to your country. Love your projects!

  14. What a beautiful tag about hope in a difficult time. I love that sentiment and at the end of a difficult day sometimes hope is all we have left. Gorgeous layout as well and such a bright and cheery tag with the butterflies! Thanks for sharing

  15. Everything you create is stunning! As far as the plane....there are no words, only prayers.

  16. Wow Wow Wow what a whole lot of awesome projects. My Condolences to all of those that lost loved ones in the terrible accident.

  17. Wow.. Such beauty in your creations.. Our deep condolences for the Netherlands... It breaks my heart that such things happen way to often now . Thanks for the birthday wishes. Xx

  18. such sad news so have such amazing creations...

  19. It has been an awful week here in Western Australia as we await news on bringing home those we lost :( Your card using the feather is so lovely.

  20. My condolences & prayers for the sadness that the plane crash has brought! Your style is so unique...I have always been a big fan!

  21. Yes, such a tragedy. My heart goes out to all who have experienced loss. Your projects are beautiful and heart-felt!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  22. Love your layout, it has such wonderful layers and the sepia photo is perfect. Your butterfly tag is pretty. It has been a sad week in the Netherlands and the world this week. I pray for peace. The tag you made is such a nice sentiment for the people of the Netherlands.
