dinsdag 31 december 2013

Last Blogpost of the year posted on the blog of Unity

Hello !!

It's the last day of the year, the day to look back on 2013
What was the most important thing I've experienced.
Who was the most important person for me.
What was a Unity stamp project that catch my eye??
What was the funniest thing that happend etc...etc...

I am not answer all my quiestions 
but  the person that was most important in my live this year was 
Marscha, She give me back my balans and I am so thankfull for 
that that I made a lay out for here.
She was my light in the darkness.
Thanks Marscha.

One of the beautiful projects that catch my eye is this one. 
I found it on pinterest (yes yes I am mad about pinterest :)
It's from Aida Haron, she is amazing!!!

I wish you all the best for 2014 and made this card for all off you 

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Dit was de tekst dat ik zag... placed in de kop moet 'posted' zijn...

    Je hebt weer prachtige ceaties gemaakt!

  2. Wat een mooie creaties om het jaar mee af te sluiten. Wens jou een goed, stabiel en creatief 2014!!
